77 degrees and sunny today.
We went to an excellent talk at the museum by Len Warren, Birdman of Shoshone on local birds. Always a pleasure to listen to Len. John and I watered the plants that we planted along the wetland trail a few weeks ago today. They need watering once a week for awhile. They look good so far.
Sunset tonight. Mid 90's and sunny. Way to hot for me. Either in the pool or sitting in the shade with wet clothes. Working on baskets.
I got up early and went on a hike on the White Trail to see the flowers.
The flowers just started popping this week. I hope the 90 degree weather does not kill them. It is killing me. Hillside of desert gold and sun cups. White bursage, phacelia, chicory and bursage, brittle bush. Button bush, prickly pear, and cryptantha.
Desert gold and phacelia. Chicory, brittle bush, dwarf poppies, white bush, mohavae, monkey flower and white wooly daisies. ,
Brittle bush.
Desert gold, phacelia, five spot and chicory.
John admiring the flowers. Brittle bush and view.
A heart shaped clump of monkey flower. Phacelia, 5 spot, desert dandelion, white wooly daisy and monkey flower, dwarf poppies with yellow wooly daisy, evening primrose, gravel ghost and chia.
Brittle bush. View of the Kingston Mountains across the valley.
Dwarf and regular sized poppies. Poppies, wild bug desert gold and phacelia with monkey flower.
Desert tortoise sunbathing.