High of 86 and sunny.
John BBQed some yummy chicken and we had a dinner party in the back yard for Larry, Dave, Clair, John and Jenny. Great to visit with them. The next day I went to Denver to attend the annual picnic of the Glass Artist of Colorado. We had a taco bar and everyone brought a side dish. It was held in the lovely home of Deb, our president. Thanks Deb. It was good to see everyone.
Some more of the Colorado Glass Artists annual picnic. Sunset over dinner on our deck when I got home.
Sunset over Old Town Square Fort Collins tonight with a half moon. Huge thunderheads to the east during sunset.
I spent the day at my brothers. Still cleaning out the condo and the cars. The 1998 Cadillac De Ville Concours of his I am selling. It looks phenomenal for being 25 years old. The 2018 Ford Escape I am also selling.
Gave away some more furniture today. The furniture is about all that is left. John and I are going to do a few more van loads of what will fit and take to donate. Monday I have some removers coming to take it all away then to clean the carpets. Biking around McMurry ponds.
Finally caught the deer for a photo. I think it lives here, I have seen it before. The river is dropping. Low enough that people are surfing the wave in the water park.
Sun coming through the clouds. The river today is below 500 feet. John and I call this the fish bridge- it has big metal fish art on it.
Dark clouds, bus sunshine where I am biking today.
The flowers in our front garden, larkspur, yarrow and coreopsis, and my bike on the sidewalk. Tomatoes turning red in my garden already. I only planted the tomatoes two weeks ago-- of course I paid a fortune for big plants with green tomatoes on them. Yellow asters, wild rose, yellow lilies in our garden, purple flowers, sunflowers and moss campion. We spent the day cleaning out the condo. I bought John dinner at Jay's Bistro tonight as a thank you. There was live piano music, I love piano music.
We sat outside, the evening was lovely. We could still hear the piano there. Cool artistic lights outside the restaurant.