Saturday, January 18, 2025

January 16-18, 2025 Organ Pipe National Monument to Painted Rock, Gila Bend, Arizona

 73 and sunny.

We hiked 4.2 miles to Victoria Mine today. Judy, John and James on the trail back.

John, Judy and James on the hike back to camp. Sunset tonight.

66 and sunny today. The bus at Painted Rock, outside of Gila Bend, Az. Judy and James are parked in the site next door. 

Petroglyphs at Painted Rock.

More petroglyphs at Painted Rock. Sunset.

66 and sunny. But much hotter in the valleys with the heat reflecting off the light soil. We went to Sears Point to view petroglyphs. We climbed up this butte, the petroglyphs were around the top, mostly on the cliff to the right.

Huge petroglyph panels around the top of the butte. 

Couple more shots of the glyphs. There were a lot more, but this is enough photos. 

Walking along the top of the butte. A few I liked. The one in the lower right corner is not a petroglyph, but maybe lichen and a crack, but such a sad face. 

Sears Point. We had happy hour and dinner outside at the picnic table. 

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