Tuesday, June 18, 2019

June 16-18, 2019 Fort Collins, Colorado

76, partly sunny and very nice today.

Since we had to unpack many of our possessions when we got back ( the place was flooded by a broken water line and all our things were packed up while they replaced the carpet, vinyl and some drywall) we have been going through things and throwing/donating lots of things we don't use. Here is John sorting through kitchen stuff. Dinner on our 'deck' tonight. The deck is really the landing at the top of the stairs, two TV trays and two chairs fill the whole thing up. But is was nice outside.  

I planted our pet basil plants and a few other plants to putz with while we are home. Probably won't be here when the tomato plants have tomatoes but just in case we are, we will have fresh tomatoes. The last renters used the garden and enlarged it and put up the fence to keep the rabbits out. I put in some stones between the plants so I don't get muddy. I also planted marigolds to keep the pests out.  I am sure it will look better with some mulch and when the plants get bigger. Sunset tonight strolling around old town.  

When I was sorting through my studio to try get rid of some things and make more room I found these 5 large tiles that I made in the past. They are now set in resin, I can clean them up and drill holes around them and put them in baskets. Also some misc old pendants and some a couple things I bought. Water lilies on McMurry pond on my bike ride today.

Flowers from my bike ride-corydalis, wild rose, yellow sunflower, campion. More flowers not sure what the tall on is and a close up of the white water lilies and a new chicken place in town, Comet chicken.

Busy cranking out jewels. Making earrings from patterned dichroic glass is a pain. You have to selectively cut matching pieces out, then pieces of clear to go on top. Each one is a different size and shape. It takes one to two hours to load one kiln shelf this size. This is before going into the kiln, then in the kiln fusing, after fusing. Then I have to match them up and glue on microscopic findings. They are so small they are hard to hold. 

But when they are done they look great. Some of the matching pendants, a couple sets of honeycomb. John made this pink heart  for me in shop in 7th or 8th grade but didn't give it to me until a few years ago. His mother wore it in between. I finished the basket centers. I sanded the sides and drilled holes to stitch through. I made all the glass except the medium squares and the oval beside it. I purchased these and set them in resin. 

What you can't see in the photo of me is that I am covered with white dust from sanding and drilling the resin centers. It rained and was cool and nasty most of the morning. I decided to go out for a bike ride anyway, and the sun came out. Very lush and green along the bike path. 

I love my mountain bike but leaning forward and down over the handle bars hurts my neck, shoulders and back.  I took it to REI to order a new handle bars that would allow me to sit up straighter. The nice man in bike repair installed these ergonomic grips with climbing bars instead. I can sit up, still hold the new grips, am comfortable. I still have to work the gears and brake on the main handlebars, but it is much more comfortable, and cheaper than new handlebars. The bike in front of red cheat grass and yellow spurge. Both are invasive species, but very pretty colors. It started to rain again just as I got inside. Then there was a rainbow.  
John grilled steaks for dinner on his brand new anniversary BBQ. Dinner was delicious.  Sunset from our deck. 
Sunset on Riverside Ave near the house. 

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