Saturday, March 9, 2019

March 8-9, 2019 Anza Borrego desert State Park, California

60's, sunny and windy.

The owner of Galleta Meadows Dennis Avery, heir to the Avery labels fortune- now deceased- hired artist Ricardo Breceda to build these sculptures. They are all over town and open to the public for viewing. We were driving out of town to see wildflowers and discovered these.

John with the 350 foot dragon that goes across the highway. Wildflowers in Coyote Canyon. 

Desert gold, sand verbena, white chicory and many more. John with desert gold and sand verbena.

Field of sand verbena. Sand verbena, Desert gold. sand verbena and huge white evening primrose. 

Huge yellow century plant blooms. I don't know if I have ever seen one blooming before. Desert dandelions and ocotillo plants. 

The San Diego Model T club is in town. They were out on the dirt road, dressed in fancy dusters viewing flowers too. Desert chicory,  Painted Lady butterfly on phacelia, huge desert lily, another painted lady posing for me, cactus buds and desert stars.

Today we drove south to The Slot Canyon. A hillside of poppies in the 'Texas Dip'. The entrance to The Slot.

The canyon walls get closer together and tall as we head down. John squeezing through a tight spot. John looking out of a convoluted slot.

John in another tight squeeze. Very cool slot canyon. 

Serpentine turns. John as the canyon widens out. 

Wider part of the canyon, John at the very bottom of this skinny spot. 

John photo bombing my photo. A toppled column on top of the canyon. There are tiny people way below.  

John sliding out. Sacred Datura flower, desert blister beetle, phacelia, tiny red blooms, portulaca, and concentric circles rock.  

Sunset had an interesting metamorphosis tonight. 

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