Friday, September 24, 2010

The Mystery House "IT'S AMAZING!!!!!"

Or How I paid $19.00 to look at some really bad carpentery. We decided to take in some of the tourist trap sites around Ashland. So after much research we found that "The Mystery House" rose to the top of the heap. After a nice drive up Sardine Creek road through some nice woods and run down farms we arrived at the Mystery House. While waiting for the guided tour my GI track started to feel unsettled I was a bit dizzy. Was it the the effects of the Oregon Vortex where the Laws of Physics are temporarily suspended causing the discomfort , the Tuna Fish sandwich I had about an hour ago, or the fact that I just laid out the better part of $20 bucks to get suckered ?????? You look at the pictures and decide yourself...

Note the angle on the stick !!!! Looks about the same to me... But if you look real real close, use your imagination....... you can see the $20 dollar bill floating away over the fence.

The lady her is apparently the Sorceress Aprentice. She got the broom to stand up!!!!

And this amazing video shows that the laws of physics, time, gravity, are totally suspended when you do anything with a golf ball!!!!!!!!

Sue probablyhas some more amazing pictures that will show up soon. Stay Tuned!!!!

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