Thursday, March 20, 2025

March 20, 2025 Death Valley National Park, California

 75 and sunny,

Palm grove at the Inn. These creosote bushes were the only thing we saw blooming. 

Heading into Marble Canyon. The first narrows of Marble canyon. 

The third narrows of Marble canyon, said to be the prettiest narrows in Death Valley.

Third narrows of Marble Canyon.

Third narrows and at the end of the narrows.


I think these petroglyphs are more modern, not native americans. The walls of the canyon are striped with colorful layers that are uplifted and twisted. 

Heading back through the narrows on our way back.

Colorful wall in the narrows. The lower canyon.

Heading back. Chert nodules and quartz intrusions. 

The Inn is an oasis in the desert. We were having dinner and the fire alarm went off, they evacuated us outside and this was the view.

 Happy Birthday to Judy. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

March 15-18, 2025 Shoshone, California

 High 60's and sunny.

Amy. Mary, Jill and Judy and Judy D's painting class. My masterpiece. I am not good at oil painting, but it is fun. 

Molly, Susan, Judy D an Susan D at Judy's D's painting class. 

The class and the masterpieces. Susan, Jill and I are not pictured. Jewels I have been wrapping. 

Happy hour at Primrose Lane.

We have Jean's rig, Bec and Emmett's rig, our rig, Judy P's camper and a few cars on Primrose Lane tonight. Sunset.

Driving into Death Valley.

Wind blowing the palm trees with dust in the background from  the Inn. Looking up at part of the Inn from the gardens.

 Bougainvillea. Our casita from the back.

The view from the casita. Sunset with blowing dust from the Inn.

Town square at Furnace Creek Ranch is at minus 190 feet below sea level. The pool at the Inn.

We hung out in shade cabana in the corner. Pool by the casitas. 

The very end of the Inn. Judy and John starting happy hour. 

Happy hour. Dinner at the Inn.

Sunset. Sparrow begging for our ice cream cones and a scared to death frog in the garden at the Inn.