Here is the crew and the work they did.

first picture, back row Paul, Bob, Hank, Frank, Carl,Mike, Sue, front row Ozzie, Bob ,Chuck, John, TedSecond photo, Back Row-sue, Frank, Bob, Chuck, Ozzie Front, Bob, Mike,Ted, Dick, John and Carl

Bob and Dick in the carpentry shop-skilled craftsmen, they made a new door for the shop, hanging the door

hanging the door, and I love this one, How many smokejumpers does to take to hand the door

Bob and Dick fine tuning the door, Chuck and Bob putting up a fence around the nursery

Hank, Chuck and Mike working on the fence, Frank sharpening his chain saw

Frank and Ted thinning and limbing the nursery, John picking up after them

Hank and Ted building trail

Mike building trail, the fire lookout we visited the last day

BBQ at Hanks house on Priest Lake the last night, and late breakfast the last day before going home.