We boated Black Canyon today. The put in is right below Hoover Damn. Since it is so close to the the damn we had to get a permit from homeland security and had to be escorted down. We rented lake kayaks since it is a long flat run. There are 4 hot springs by the river. Our friend from Tecopa, Cynthia came along. It was actually her idea to run this. We had to meet at the screech of dawn- 715 am. They picked us up at the take out at 3 pm. Warm sunny day. Beautiful trip. Little bit of head wind, and a long paddle. Next time we will do it as a 3 day 2 night trip and take our time.
These are what John got me for Valentines day. What a sweetie.

The top row is the damn with the new driving bridge, a hot spring with a waterfall into it
2nd row: same hot spring, lone pine waterfall and John and Cynthia on the river
3rd row:the sharks attacking me, Cynthia and then John hiking and climbing up Boy Scout canyon to the hot springs
4th Row: boy scout canyon, Cynthia in the sea cave, and George the duck, he followed up down
5th row: Arizona hot spring canyon, and both of the man made pools. It was heavenly
6th row: Cynthia by the canyon wall and Cynthia out side looking in the Emerald cave
7th row: Cynthia, clouds and the Divas
8th row: Me climbing a rope to boy scout springs and me climbing a ladder to Arizona Hot springs pools