Friday, June 11, 2010

June 1-10 2010 Colorado

Yes, I got to move more things. Gerhart drove my mothers furniture to California, my sister Judy took them.

Gerhartloading 2

Gerhart leaving. John tying everything in.

Gerhart had reserved a smaller truck, but they were out, so he got this huge one.

While waiting for the eviction and the rerenting of Johns rental we drove the bus up Poudre Canyon and parked it at a forest service campground-Ansell Watreus. Some of our friends came up to visit. Above are pictures of the bus We had two cars so John could go back to town and take care of business.the river was really high. The mountains were beautiful.


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It was hot, so we cooked out side and did dishes outside. It was just like being on a river trip, except we were in the bus. Here is a pile of shoes we found in the eddies when the river was really high.
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High river.

chris and hummerP6080013
Chris Webster came up from Boulder to visit with us. Here he is with a humming bird at the feeder The .bus with raging river behind it
columbinesevening color
columbines and evening light
fall 2fern

There was a trail head right across the highway from the campground. I hiked up. Here is a waterfall, wild violets

golden bannergrass

Golden  Banner and a little fall
John and johnloco weed
John visiting with John Gross when he was kayaking down the river. It was great, everyone stopped to visit and see the bus. Loco weed
mixologistp ivy

Chris brought up all his mixology supplies and mixed us some very tasty drinks. My favorite-poison ivy

pink thingssaund
shooting stars,  the beach behind the bus on the river. I took sun showers under the the tree-we were dry camping and had to go all the way back into Fort Collins to dump the tanks. When it was hot put my lawn chair in the water there.

Chris came up to boat the river with John, it was at 6 feet, which is a really high level. They got up early so Chris could boat, then go back to work that day. They boated upper Mishawaka.  John had the green boat that does not handle as well as his other boats and scared himself to death. Chris loved it.

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