Friday, July 26, 2024

July 19-26, 2024 Fort Collins, Colorado

 High of 83. Partly cloudy with  rain.

I tried to  do the circle and the tool got stuck in the glass, it was too cool. Had to wait for the thread of glass to cool and harden and broke it off. What's left is the blob on the bottom right. It has been almost a month since I planted my garden. It is growing like crazy!

This circle came out ok. Sunset in Old Town Fort Collins with rain.

The new renters in the front house who share the backyard with us had a house warming party and invited us. Nice group. The crowd and the kitchen. John bought this house in the 80's and renovated it. We rent it out and save the apartment over the garage for when we are back. The ugly puddle piece came out very nice. I will now trim and coldwork the edges and slump it into a bowl mold. 

 I went out biking, hoping to get back before the rain. I had jury duty here at the Larimer county justice center. Thank heavens I did not get on the jury, it was a very disturbing case. Can't talk about it till the case is done.  Was supposed to last all week. The jury selection took all day and was pretty tedious. 

Very smoky today. The sun was bright orange. 

Took this  out of the kiln last night. It is 12 x 2 x 1 inches. I put this in the kiln last night, may get to look at this evening when it cools. It is a combination of 2 combed pieces. The center one and the border is another one cut into strips. 

Another comb. This is the finished product. 10 x 10 inches. I think this one is my favorite of the combed pieces. 

We got our Starlink mini. John is afraid it will be stolen. The antennae has the router and everything all in one piece, so someone could just walk off with it and have the whole thing. Will figure out a way to secure it and then try it out. Deer in the meadow below the orange smoky sun on my bike ride. 

Smoky sun through the Waves sculpture at the water park. I cut up and shaped these glass pieces I made to use in baskets. I will set them in resin and drill holes round the edge.

I also shaped, polished, sand blasted and painted these rocks to use as basket centers. They will be set in resin with holes drilled in the resin around them. A lot of work. My sister Judy is visiting. She is staying in her camper out front. Nice to see her. 

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