High of 68 and sunny.
We left Arizona, drove through Nevada into California. In Baker John filled up, much more expensive than Arizona. Spirit Mountain, just west of Laughlin.
Alien Jerky in Baker has gone crazy. They are building this hotel/meeting space behind the store. We made it to Shoshone and are now parked at my sister's house.
Judy purchased this new house. Since she sold the house in Palo Alto she does not have enough room in her current house here. The house needed to be redone. It has been painted inside and next week a new floor will go in. Still needs some other work. It is huge- 3 bedrooms one bath and very nice. the living room.
One of the three bedrooms, the kitchen.
Another view of the living room. Sunset.
We had a nice dinner at the Crowbar tonight with Judy P, Judy D and James.
Friends from Independence visited today. We had lunch at the Crowbar. Nice to see them. Checking out the pupfish pond with our visitors.
Sunset. Some cool colored lenticular clouds in sunset.
I finished this basket. It is made from dyed pine needles, polyester thread, glass and blue magnesite beads and two kokopellis. the center is a piece of selenite that I sandblasted and painted the kokopellis on. It is 12 1/2 x 11 x 2 inches. Sunset.
Sunset. Badlands east of Shoshone on my hike this afternoon,
The clouds make Black Mountain look like a volcano. Last light on the pass east of town
Sunset looking north. Sunset looking west.
The sunset in the west morphed into this wild looking cloud.