We started out Halloween touring an Italian castle winery. Castillo De Amoresa. It was built historically correct and he imported the material from castles being torn down in Europe. 130 rooms. They had the Ghoul Ball last night so there were still Halloween decorations left from the Ghost tour.There was an armory room where we could touch the old armour. And a torture chamber.
The red Queen on the bathroom door.
Politically correct bathroom door.

After the tour we tasted their wine with chocolate pairing. The tour was so cool and so expensive I don't think we will tour any others. Maybe cruise thru and look at the incredible buildings.
We went down town and watched the Halloween parade on main street.
The parade and Susie's at sunset.
Before the parade we also visited a grist mill. Watched them grind cornmeal.
Last but not least I am needing a hobby since I don't have the glass or garden with me. So I am taking up pine needle basket weaving. (Kind of like the therapy in the mental hospital!)
The needles drying on the bed and couch and I sorted them into bundles. And my first basket, that leaves me lots of learn to improve.