Pretty exciting days. Waiting for the bus to come back. Getting business taken care of. Working on glass and kayaking. Visiting with good friends. In the midst of all this I had to go back to Denver to have more views of my mammogram taken. Pretty scary idea, but they all came out negative. While I was there I finished the fence, started up the sprinkler system, cleaned the gutters on the Denver house, had dinner with J and my brother Jerry, breakfast with Katy Hales.

John putting new rear brakes on the car. We both went to the dentist. John got fillings replaced, and will get an implant this week. I got two new crowns and a filling replaced. The dentist took pictures of my mouth, then designed the crowns with an AutoCAD program, then milled them in his office. The mill has two drill bits both shooting water and it finished in 19 minutes with the first one. Kind of like a 3D printer. Then they glaze it and fire it all in the office. Got the crown prep and the crowns all in one visit. This system would have great applications for art . . .

Finally got a design for the next masterpiece. Took me days of procrastination and hours of work on the computer in Photoshop. This is the transparency of the design on top of the glass. The glass was first cut into two circles, I fired them together, then air brushed on copper luster and fired it on. I will make a stencil from the transparency. Seen on the way out to dinner in old town Fort Collins. New switch on panhandling. Bear spray me for $100. Didn’t see anyone spray him. . .

My brother Jerry visited us. John cooked us a scrumptious dinner. Here he is having dessert in the Chocolate Café. John in having a chocolate martini. I had water. The sacrifices I make to keep my girlish figure.

The masterpiece continues. On the left I have the stencil on and have sandblasted it. The right photo the stencil is off. The black glass is now matt finish from the sandblasting.

Pieces of colored and dichroic glass on top, in the kiln ready for firing. After firing, the glass is melted into the piece and it is all shiny and fire polished. I still need to paint gold paint on and then fire it again and install it into it’s frame.

The bus is fixed and back. John completely emptied it, threw away the mattress and had it cleaned. I am allergic to something-possibly east coast allergens and if they were on the bus they have been cleaned away. We got a new Denver Mattress Co Madison Eurotop RV mattress. I am putting the protective mattress cover on. An RV mattress is 5 inches shorter than a house mattress. The slide is in in this photo. When we are parked and living in it, the side slides out 2 feet so there is more room in the bedroom.