Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 9-15, Fort Collins, Colorado

 84 and sunny.

We went with Katie to the Gardens at Spring Creek. The sculpture was titled passing the baton, so John and Katie were passing it. The butterfly pavilion. 

Katie in the butterfly pavilion. Sculpture in the gardens, butterflies in the pavilion and a bunny that seems to have moved into our backyard.

The gardens were having an exhibit of origami sculptures. John with an origami  bird. Two more cool origami sculptures.

Origami horse sculptures. John photo bombing a photo of a origami boat. 

Other cool origami sculptures and a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis at the butterfly pavilion. Katie and I at the gardens.  

My dinner of tacos en fuego at Blue Agave. We had dinner with Joe and Alison last night. Nice to see them.

Sunset over McMurry Pond on my bike ride. The bus is now parked in front of our house and we are packing up to leave on Monday. 

The fridge was a mess when I opened it. It is now cleaner than it may have been in years. Sunset tonight over one of the North Shields ponds. 

Some beveled polished scraps from one of my pieces of combed glass. Nice rainbow as I headed out for my bike ride tonight.

Wild looking clouds. 

Sunset was pretty different tonight. Mammatus clouds.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

August 31- September 3-8, 2024

 High of 86 and sunny.

Mandy cooked us a wonderful fajita dinner. Nice to visit with them. John made cockpit covers for our kayaks. They will sit just like this in the racks, so the covers will keep rain out.

I finished this masterpiece. It is 12 x 3 inches. I am pleased with it.

Sunset tonight. Another comb, in the kiln and done. Also a bunch of cat, dog, raven and paw print earrings. 

Beveled polished pieces of dicrhoic glass glass and a couple rainbow ones to wire wrap. Another masterpiece. 12 inches by 3. Combed piece in the middle and strips of another as border, plus a little dichroic glass. 

Turkeys on the bike path. Sunset.

I had lunch with some former coworkers. I think we started working together in the late 80's. Fun to see them and visit. Carol, Nancy, Kay and I.  Sunset. 

Cool gate to a courtyard in old town.  Three jewels I wrapped for one of the glass shows this fall. 

John cooked a wonderful dinner for our friends Ginny, Steve, John, Clair, and Dave. We are trying to see friends before leave next week. I went to the Glass Artist of Colorado meeting in Lakewood. It was Anita's birthday, Mike lit the candles on the cake with a blow torch. Guess that was all that was available at the glass studio!

We all sang happy birthday to Anita and feasted on cake. I planted my tomatoes at the end of June and I am already getting ripe tomatoes. They are all ripening at once. They taste heavenly. 

Sunset over McMurry pond on my bike ride. Thistle going to seed, white and yellow asters.

More sunset on my bike ride.