Tuesday, April 3, 2018

April 1-3, 2018 Seminole State Park, Georgia

Low 80's today, sunny and no wind. It was lovely.

The park we are in is only one of the arms of Seminole Lake. We paddled up the arm from us, which is bunch of interconnection lakes. The water was mirror smooth in places. 

We passed through this submerged electric barrier. Keep hands, feet and all metal objects in the boat, only go through when the light is green. Rather intimidating. It is to keep the invasive carp out of the lake.  A great white heron on the bank. 

John gliding by. Fragrant white water lilies, an apple snail, the size of an apple. They usually live in trees but this one floated by. Yellow spatterdock water lilies and some coots taking off, they run on top of the water flapping their wings to get up in the air.

Small lake with cottages with docks and fishing boats. Very peaceful looking. John took this of me in the lily pads.

Lots of blooming lilies and John in the cattails.

The bus from the lake. We have a huge grass site in tall pine trees. It is so pretty and peaceful I almost feel like I am sitting in the famous painting Sunday Afternoon at the island by Seurat. the colors are very bright like in the painting.

Sunset from camp. This morning we woke up to fog, but it burned off and got into the low 80's. Another beautiful day.

A fox squirrel on a tree. They are about twice the size of normal squirrels and have a face kind of like a raccoon.  This bluebird saw himself in the mirrored windows and kept flying at them and pecking at them. And a common moorhen I saw out paddling. They look like coots but part of their bill is red.  Sunset tonight from the end of the lake.

 Today also started foggy, but burnt off faster. Another beautiful day in paradise, high 70's and sunny. I did a paddle around the lake because it was so nice.

 John practiced rolls on the lake. Over, up, up and up. A view from the front. I gave myself a pedicure and worked on a basket in my lawn chair. Sunset on the cabins at the end of the lake.

John cooked a yummy dinner. I love it when it is warm and light enough to have dinner outside. Don't believe the ad for the tempered glass tablet screen protector. I managed to break mine by carrying it in a bad with my camera and sunblock. I broke the second one trying to put it on. I ordered three this time. 

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