Tuesday, February 25, 2025

February 24-25, 2025 Death Valley, California

 83 and sunny.

 We went to Badwater to pick up the Judy's. Last year there was so much water in the valley that the lake was to the end of this boardwalk. Badwater is the lowest point in North America, -282 feet below sea level. Salt formations near Badwater.

I walked out about 1 1/2 miles till I saw them coming in. Note two dots on the horizon. Another weird looking formation of the salt on the valley floor. 

We had never seen this formation. It is cotton ball borax in the salt on the floor of death valley. My sister Judy at Badwater. Judy D beat us back. They walked 170 miles to arrive here. 

The door to the casita at Furnace Creek Inn  they will stay in for the next two nights. Nice reward after walking 170 miles. It comes with a golf cart since they don't let cars park in here. John and I are staying in our RV in the campground.  The pool at the Inn. I snuck out here while the Judy's showered and got ready for dinner.

Evening light on the palm trees at the Inn. Judy, Judy and Donna in the golf cart. I joined them and we went up to the dining room.

 John and I dressed up for dinner.  John, Sue, Judy, Judy and Donna at dinner. 

Looking out the gate to Furnace Creek Ranch to the campground. It was 89 degrees, so we spent the afternoon at the pool today. 

Furnace Creek Inn gardens. 

Furnace Creek Gardens. The pond by the casitas at Furnace Creek Inn.

Sunset from the casita. Judy P drove us up to dinner in the golf cart again tonight.

After dinner photo. Judy, John, Sue, Judy and Donna. 

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