Monday, May 13, 2024

May 11-13, 2024 Eugene, Oregon

 High of 89 and sunny.

We went to the Veneta farmer's market to listen to Leslie and Theo. They sounded great. 

Happy hour before dinner at Leslie and Scotts on the porch of the Hip Hop house. Yummy dinner and good company.

The temperature went down to a high of 76 today. Very pleasant. We went for a walk with Scott, Leslie, Karen and Julia, plus 3 dogs at Dorris Ranch.. John on the trail with larkspur. Camus, geranium, iris, yellow sunflower, wild cucumber, dark and lighter larkspur, wild rose and a back lit nd cow parsnip.

On the trail with more larkspur. Karen, Julia, Scott, Leslie and John crossing a bridge with three dogs. 

Grass and ferns as tall as we were. 

Along the river. 

Larkspur, buckler's sorrel, Solomon seal, red clover, pacific water leaf, bleeding hearts and mallow. The McKenzie river.

Deep dark forest. We are now parked in front of the bay door. They worked on the  coach all day. 

I wrapped these two pieces of dichroic glass. 

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