Wednesday, June 5, 2024

June 5, 2024 Crystal Crane Hot Springs, Burns, Oregon

 High of 83 and mostly sunny.

We started our tour today at Malheur Wildlife refuge. The museum at the visitors center had this magnificent display of stuffed birds, eggs, wings and exhibits. The refuge itself has a number of large lakes and a long river valley with lots of green marshy areas and tons of birds.  Hawthorne blooms, horse chestnut and honey suckle from the visitors center. Both male and female yellow headed blackbirds, A giant carp sculpture and crested wheat grass. 

Under the bird feeder at the wild life refuge were yellow headed blackbirds, a baby quail and a bunch of really fat squirrels. Antelope, deer, 2 pin tails, a cinnamon teal, white faced ibis, white faced ibis with it's wings extended and it was dancing and thread leaf phacelia. 

Our next stop was Diamond Craters Outstanding natural area. Lava pit crater. Big bomb crater.

Keyhole crater. Needle grass, crypantha varied leaf phacelia, pin cushions, desert yellow daisy, and  vetch. 

Looking down on Malheur wildlife refuge, in the green valley. Looking south at Steen's mountain. 

Red bomb crater and Malheur Maar crater, with water in it.  

Roadside butte. Our last stop was at the historic round barn. 

The round barn was really an enclosed corral where cowboys trained teams of horses. Foals were raised in the inner part of the barn. It had an umbrella type of ceiling and the outer edge where teams of horses were trained. We had a nice soak in the hot springs when we got back. 

Sunset on a lake at the hot springs. 

A coot swimming in sunset. 

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