Thursday, October 10, 2019

October 6-10, 2019 Klamath Falls to Ashland, Oregon

Beautiful 65 degree sunny day.

We met Jen and Jeff at the Klamath Basin Brewery for dinner. John with his IPA and us having dinner. Sunset at the RV park tonight. 

The bus at Emigrant Lake campground- it is in the middle of the photo in all the trees. Beautiful spot. Sunny and in the high 70's. John standing in front of some 8 foot high poison oak bushes. He refused to go any closer for size comparison. Poison ivy is all over this kind of habitat. I am deathly allergic to it.  

Rose hips, I am not sure what this grass is, but I grew up in the bay area of Calif and this grass grew in the hills. I remember when I was little it was over my head. Poison oak- another plant I remember from my childhood. I am deadly allergic to it. Another grass seed head.  These thorns are about 1/2 inch long and they plant is growing everywhere here. I need to wear shoes to keep from stepping on them. The moon in some oak tree leaves, the moon in some locust leaves and some red oak leaves.  

I finished this basket today. It is about 7 inches in diameter and about 1 1/2 inches tall. It has one of the glass jewels I  made with two layers of dichroic glass in the center and has natural and dyed needles in it. Emigrant Lake from the campground near our campsite through oak trees. I grew up Calif in habitat like this, with out the lake. Love oak trees in golden rolling hills. 

This bus is a 1990 Country coach concept. Ours is a 2002  Country coach. The company went out of business in 2010 so you don't see many on the road. John took this of me photographing rose hips on this bush.

Ponderosa pine, 8-9 inch needles. I collected as many of the dried brown ones as I could reach. Today we went to matinee the Oregon Shakespeare festival in Ashland. Their season is from Feb to Nov. They have three theatres. Not sure why not all their plays are Shakespeare. We went to see As You Like it and it was great.

After the play we had dinner at the Standing Stone Brewery. John with an imperial red. He had to try the Offal Taco. Sounds offal to me. He said the meat was over cooked and ordered a bratwurst. I had a yummy salad. The beer was very good.  
It was cloudy and cooler today. The clouds blocked most of sunset. There was a tiny bit of color with these oak trees. 

I am working on another masterpiece. It will about the shape of the basket in the background and have the big turquoise beads in it and around the neck the curved silver and more turquoise beads. that is the plan so far. Sunset tonight with the gibbous moon in the middle in the leaves.

I love these oak trees and golden grass. I used to play in them as a child. 

I wanted to go kayaking today on the lake, it was supposed to be warm enough. Well it was, but it was really windy, gusts to 33 mph, so it was too wavy. This picture was taken when the wind calmed down some, but it was still to wavy.  We are a The Point RV park on Emigrant Lake. It is full tonight.  Nice fall colors.

The moon rise was so pretty. It is looking kind of full, but still squashed.  Sunset tonight.

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